Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just a thought that has been going through my mind lately…

I have felt like the Lord has given me a blessing the last few weeks and in a way I don’t know that I would have considered a blessing before this. I had some problems week before last, after which morning sickness began to really hit me, and found I could consider the morning sickness a blessing. It just brought home that lots of times we miss blessings because they don’t come in “packages” that we expect them to. The Lord is soooo much bigger than we often make Him out to be. He has so much that he wants for us to learn, but how often are we willing to learn? Our Lord is able to teach us even when we are unteachable. But do we see it as a blessing? What is a blessing to you? Is it something that is always good or what you want? Even if something is uncomfortable it can be a blessing, lots of times it is our perspective. We are so blessed, and not just with the “grand” blessings Christ sometimes gives us or even with the everyday blessings we tend to forget, we are blessed to have a Savior who loved us so much to lay down His life for us. But we are also BLESSED to have a Father who continues to love us and teach us. That is not just how I wanted to say things and it may not mean anything to you, but it is what the Lord has reminded me of the last couple of weeks.