Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Long Overdue Pictures of Jenae's Nursery

Our Second Little Blessing From the Lord!

We thought that she was going to come a week or two before her due date, my midwife even thought she would be a Valentine's baby. The Lord had other plans and as my due date of February the 21st came and went, I began to worry about a Leap Day baby (I didn't want her having a "real" birthday only once every four years)!
Then on February 26th, the day before our second Anniversary, I awoke at 1:00am with contractions, but this was nothing new... it had been happening off and on for two weeks now. About 3:30am they started lasting longer and they weren't going away. I began to get a little excited (once again) that this might be the day that I finally would get to meet my little daughter, but I also tried not to get my hopes up to much as I had wondered this a few times over the lasts weeks.
At 7:00 I decided to call my midwife, she arrived about 8:00 and conformed it was the real thing! I had had no "false alarms" with Shelden and felt funny with this being my second child to have them this go around.
The day slipped slowly by with my contractions getting stronger and closer together then at 5:17pm, we welcomed our beautiful precious baby girl into the world!!! Weighing 8lb 8oz and being 22" long. :)

Shelden was brought in to see her and it was so cute to see his response to he. He seemed sopleased (leaning over to get a better look at her).

I had a hard time after the birth as I nearly passed out a few times and lost a lot of blood. Because of which I am now anemic and taking iron.
We are so thankful she is here and healthy. We have been so blessed by two sweet blessings that the Lord has given us in our first two years of marriage! :)